Tropical Storm 23S Born in Southern Indian Ocean

Tropical Storm 23S was born today, April 2 about 260 nautical miles west of Cocos Island, Australia, near 11.5 South and 92.5 East. It has maximum sustained winds of 39 mph (35 knots) and is moving southward at around 6 mph (5 knots). Although Cocos Island is not in the direct path of the storm, it was being affected with by thunderstorms in the storm's outer bands.

When the TRMM satellite passed over Tropical Storm 23S on April 2 at 0913 UTC (5:13 a.m. EDT) it measured light to moderate rainfall. Since then, infrared satellite imagery indicated that bands of thunderstorms have consolidated around the center of 23S's center of circulation. Rainfall is likely going to intensify in the system as it strengthens over the weekend. At times rain may be falling in some areas of the storm at up to 2 inches per hour.

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